Thursday 3 October 2013

Bright lights of Vegas and the depths of Death Valley

There's nothing like the start of a new day to bring inspiration! Thursday morning I felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. Today time to cross Death Valley!

But first was a short detour into Vegas to drive down the Strip. I was a bit confronted by the series of highways, bypasses and craziness of the city. Getting a bit lost along the way. But I made it eventually. 

Craziness of Vegas
Paris, New York, Egypt - Vegas has it
The Strip
I was a little glad to get out of that place and back on the highway surrounded by the desolate, but peaceful desert.

Back in the desert
Next was Death Valley, but not before stopping at a strange highway junction - fireworks store, alien centre, brothel and petrol station. All you need, really.

On the road to Death Valley you also pass Death Valley Junction, and abandoned location, that was made even more impressive by the dust storm billowing around the desolate buildings

Death Valley Junction
Whilst this may have been the cause for some concern, and worry about what lay ahead, I soon bumped into 4 cars worth of Japanese tourists, out enjoying their experience! They were having a ball, and I couldn't help but be spurred on by their enthusiasm

We passed the badlands, and salt plains of the Valley. Both impressive. The badlands are like sand dunes, frozen in time or mountains sandpapered down so they are perfectly smooth.

Death Valley Badlands
The salt plains glisten white, eerily barren and flat.

The wind had picked up and was gusting dust through the valley. It was awesome to see the dust clouds contrast against the mountains, but made driving difficult at times!

Dust sweeps across the road through Death Valley
A set of road works slowed my progress, so I ended up at Lone Pine in the late evening with the last rays of sunshine beaming over Mt Witney, the tallest mountain in this part of the world. 

Sun beams over Mt Witney

A quick google search revealed I was near Alabama Hills - the location of many a western movie including the recent Django Unchained. I had to check this out! After a short drive, I came across my own alcove. A perfect place to see out a windy night.

A pretty cool campsite for the night

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