Monday 29 July 2013

Day 10: Monday - The start of Week 2 in the Woods

Johnson to Whiteface Mtn
After a relaxed start to the morning at Nye's, we finally decided to get moving, and bundled into the convertible to be dropped off at the trailhead.

Track start near Johnson
I was feeling pretty good being back on the trail - clean, filled with scrambled eggs and pancakes and 3 cups of coffee. The track was flat too, following the river and introducing us slowly to the large climb ahead (at least I was expecting it this time!)

Starting the climb up Whiteface
We powered up the 2,500ft climb up Whiteface Mountain, reaching the summit with views over Mansfield Peak, in only a few hours. I was amazed at how much easier this was than last week!

It didn't surprise us to run into another Summer Camp group at Whiteface hut where we were planning to spend the night. This time it was an all girls crew accompanied by two leaders - a local girl and her counterpart from Hungary. After spending a day with all girls, the Hungarian seemed pleased to see us, and happily chatted well into the night. He mentioned some great walking in Hungary - apparently you can circumnavigate the country on the National Blue Trail - which caught our interest. He also talked a lot about the changes he's seen in his country, and the benefits of becoming part of the EU. Opening the borders to access other countries had allowed him to work in Scotland as an Au Pair the previous year - helping him learn English. It had also made it easier for many Hungarians who had family in nearby countries - when country borders are drawn, they don't always take into account the historical ethnic groups in a region.

Whiteface Shelter

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