Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 9: Sunday – The day of rest

Just Johnson

Today became a full day of rest. We spent the morning on the porch of the Loving Cup Café, drinking extra large cups of coffee and saying hello to the locals as they dropped in to get their morning coffee’s to go.

We’d contacted Marcia, the owner of nearby Nye's Green Valley Farm B&B and arranged to stay the night. Marcia was amazing! Despite the layers of mud caked on our shoes, clothes and packs, and our mosquito bitten unwashed selves, she embraced us with open arms, and even drove into town to pick us up in her convertible! Woo!

Marcia and her husband David have created an amazing, welcoming American farmhouse on their property. 

Green Valley Farm
Their garden is filled with colour – bright flowers, blueberry and raspberry bushes and a plot of sunflowers in the entrance way, buzzing with happy bees and butterflies. 

Inside, the place is filled with small details. Ink bottles collected from previous trips to England, stuffed toys, welcoming wall paper.

The building was originally a Stage Coach Tavern, built in 1811 and owned by Marcia's great grandfather. David mentioned he has often wished the walls could talk, and tell him stories from those days. We admired their vision to turn a rundown building into such a beautiful place.

We spent the afternoon outside picking berries and inside reading and relaxing. In the evening, Marcia even drove us into nearby Jeffersonville so we could pick up supplies from the General Store and have a nourishing dinner at the tavern - big steaks and a wholesome spinach, beet and chevre salad. I feel great now! And perhaps even ready for another week of hiking

1 comment:

  1. The B&B looks very nice - a well deserved relax for you both.
